CCD stands for Charged-Coupled Device.
A CCD is made up of MOS capacitators.
MOS stands for Metal Oxide Semiconductor.
A CCD has many cells, which each store electrons when photons of light hit them. It releases these electrons in order when the data is needed
You probably have a CCD in your pocket. Almost all digital cameras or digital image capturers use CCDs.
CCDs can only take photos with Black & White. However, by putting a Bayer filter on the CCD, which looks like this:
they can solve the problem of Color Photos by writing the colors in each pixel. Also, when you get a vertical line due to bad exposure, the electron containers overflow, and due to the structure of a CCD, the electrons flow vertically, causing the white glare we all know and hate.Image courtesy of Wikipedia.
CCDs can also sense Infared Light, making them useful for energy audits.
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