The German V-2 Rocket became the first manmade object to pass the Kármán line, and therefore the first to enter space.
The German V-2 Rocket became the first manmade object to pass the Kármán line, and therefore the first to enter space.
The US captured V-2 rocket took the first in-space pictures of Earth from 105 km or 65 mi.
Sputnik 1 became the first artificial satellite, also becoming the first object to produce signals from space.
Sputnik 2 carried the dog Laika, the first mammal in space, into orbit. She sadly died due to a lack of Oxygen and the extreme heat.
The USSR managed to get a rocket to escape Earth's orbit. The attempt to reach to moon failed by nearly 6000 km or 3250 nmi, but it became the first manmade object in orbit around the sun and gave us the first records of the solar wind.
NASA got some photos of the Earth from orbit.
The USSR hit the moon. This also resulted in the first national flag on another object in the solar system.
NASA launched the first probe.
The USSR managed to get some living things into and back out of orbit alive.
The USSR unsuccessfully attempted to get a probe to Mars.
The USSR sent the first human into space. They came down alive, though no longer in the spacecraft at the time.
NASA managed to get humans to pilot a spacecraft, and for them to come back down still in the spacecraft. The same month, the USSR sent the first planetary flyby, though no data returned.
The USSR kept a person in space for over 24 hours, though the man became the first with space sickness.
NASA launched the first solar observatory.
The USSR sent two men to space at the same time, with two veicles communicating while in space.
The USSR made an unsuccessful attempt at a Mars flyby.
NASA made an successful attempt at a Venus flyby.
The USSR sent the first lady to space.
The first reusable spacecraft went to space, courtesy of NASA.
The USSR sent the first man in space out of the spacecraft. He survived to tell the tale.
The first sucessful Mars flyby sent back the first closups of another planet.
The USSR managed to make the first non-destructive landing on the moon, then proceeded to take pictures of the surface.
NASA docked the two spacecraft for the first time.
The USSR mapped the moon with a probe.
The USSR managed to send plants and animals around the moon and back to Earth.
NASA sent a person around the moon.
Apollo 11's famous moon landing.
The USSR made the first lunar rover.
The USSR made a nondestructive, also known as soft, landing on another planet: Venus.
The USSR launched the first space station.
The USSR made a soft Mars landing, sending photos back.
NASA sent a rocket away from the sun in a way it would escape.
NASA made a trip beyond the asteroid belt.
NASA made a Jupiter flyby.
NASA made a Venus flyby that used Venus's gravity to help.
NASA made a Mecury flyby.
The USSR and NASA cooperated on a mission.
The USSR sent an object into Venus's orbit, taking photos of the surface.
NASA made the closest Sun flyby in history, setting the fastest speed a spacecraft has ever endured.
NASA made a Saturn flyby.
The first reusable manned spacecraft came to be.
The USSR sent an object into Venus's orbit, taking photos of the surface.
Spaceflight became nondiscriminatory in the USSR.
NASA sent a spacecraft, the Pioneer 10, beyond Neptune.
NASA sent a man into open space without a rope holding him to the ship.
The USSR sent a woman on a spacewalk.
NASA made a Uranus flyby. Soon after, the depressing Challenger disaster occured.
The USSR made a flyby of Halley's comet.
NASA made a Neptune flyby.
Voyager 1 made a photograph of the whole solar system.
The Hubble Space Telescope was launched.
A russian set the world record for longest time in space: 437.7 days.
We sent Galileo into Jupiter's orbit.
Many nations cooperated to create the International Space Station, the largest man-made object built in space as of the creation of this document, June 17, 2020.
NASA orbited an asteroid.
NASA landed on the asteroid they orbited the year prior.
We orbited Saturn.
We landed outside the inner solar system, on Titan.
We retrieved peices of rock from a comet.
We started trying to find Earth-like planets through the Kepler Mission.
We orbited Mercury.
We orbited Vesta, a large asteroid.
We orbited Ceres, a dwarf planet.
We did a flyby of Pluto, a dwarf planet.
We ate space grown food aboard the ISS.
China planted seeds on the moon.