Comparing Tap Water Reports

Between 3 Years

December 2019
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December 2016
Full Document

pH Level: 7.8

Range: 7.5 to 8.3

pH Level: 7.8

Range: 7.0 to 8.3

Dispite the same average, 2016 had a higher pH level range. However, the diffrence is minor. 7 is neutral, and a 0.5 diffrence near 7 isn't enough to cause issues.

Hardness: 180 mg CaCO3/L

Range: 115 to 197 mg CaCO3/L

Hardness: 194 mg CaCO3/L

Range: 148 to 258 mg CaCO3/L

2016 has harder water than 2019. However, this is of no concern, as hardness has no health effects and most people have hardness filters anyways.

Sodium: 15.83 mg/L

Range: 5.6 mg/L to 35.5 mg/L

Sodium: 10 mg/L

Range: 5.7 mg/L to 32.8 mg/L

2019 has a higher average, by 5.83 mg/L! However, this isn't alarm-worthy. Sodium in drinking water seemingly has no effect on the body, and a 5.83 mg/L diffrence is minor even under extreme circumstances.

Aluminum: 0.032 mg/L

Range: 0.019 mg/L to 0.09 mg/L

Aluminum: 0.035 mg/L

Range: 0.019 mg/L to 0.108 mg/L

This one is also not of concern. The 0.1 mg/L in 2016 might be a little disconcerting, but it isn't worrysome.

Haloacetic Acids: 13.6 µg/L

Range: 10.6 µg/L to 33.2 µg/L

Haloacetic Acids: 17.2 µg/L

Range: 11.1 µg/L to 38 µg/L

This one is of concern. A large ammount, around 60 µg/L, causes a higher risk for cancer and developmental effects. 2019 has a much lower quantity of this, so 2019 wins. Haloacetic Acids are caused by the chlorination process, so it is not unavoidable.

Dissolved Sulfate: 74 mg/L

Range: 39 mg/L to 157 mg/L

Dissolved Sulfate: 67 mg/L

Range: 50.3 mg/L to 132 mg/L

This is of no concern. Sulfate can cause a laxative effect, which can lead to dehydration. However, effects disappear because the person consuming it will become used to it.

NDMA: 1.02 ng/L

Highest Value: 4.14 ng/L

NDMA: <0.7 ng/L

Highest Value: 5.2 ng/L

Concern is super high, as it is considered to be very likely to be carcinogenic to people as it is carcinogenic to animals. The highest acceptable value is 0.04 µg/L, or 40 ng/L. Dispite the higher average in 2019, the highest value of 5.2 ng/L in 2016 is very disconcerting.

Fluoride: 0.29 mg/L

Range: <0.05 to 0.77 mg/L

Fluoride: 0.69 mg/L

Range: 0.58 to 0.8 mg/L

There are two sides to this story: on one side you have the "Toothpaste Squad", who support it for the same reason it is in your toothpaste. Those against show increased risk of dental and skeletal fluorosis, cancer, bone fractures, etc. There are also those against, because they want the freedom to choose when to take fluoride.

The Better Water Quality: December 2019

Though not by much. The diffrences are minor at best, nonexistent at worst, and most of the error can just be contributed to imperfect measurements.
